That’s not to say the music isn’t fun but it seems mostly devoid of other influences and is focused more on a simple delivery of fun lyrics (think Ludacris). Water sign rappers are more emotional in their choice of words and delivery (Drake, Earl Sweatshirt, Tyler the Creator) and earth sign rappers are down to earth in that they are usually less aggressive in delivery, less cerebral in content, and less emotional in word choice. Fire sign rappers are usually more aggressive and playful (think Nicki Minaj, Jay Z, and Future).

I’ve noticed that sun signs seem to influence the delivery and style of the music as well. Think of how Eminem raps mostly about issues with his mother and ex wife and how Lil Wayne talks about sex and money in most of his songs. Libra is much more relationship and power focused. This artistic approach towards rap can be heard throughout all of Kanye’s albums but perhaps most on 808s and Heartbreak and Yeezus as well as both of Kendrick’s albums. Gemini rappers are generally more creative in their approach due to the mutable quality of Gemini which makes it interested and knowledgable about many things. This a big-picture human rights issue, which makes sense since Aquarius is known as the humanitarian of the zodiac. For example Bitch Bad, a song by Aquarius Lupe Fiasco, focuses on treatment of women and the internalized feelings that our society puts on them through hip-hop culture and portrayal of them in media. Its interesting to note that each signs shines directly through the content of the rapper. Usually air sign rappers are more cerebral and focus heavily on intellectual concepts (like philosophy, art, and politics) human issues (such as inequality think Kanye West and Kendrick Lamar) and play on words to deliver their lyrics. From hip-hop legends like Tupac and the Notorious B.I.G to game changing newbies like Kendrick Lamar and Macklemore, its crazy how many of hip-hops greats happen to be Geminis. If you pay attention to the play on words, rhyming of all styles (end rhyme, middle rhyme) and alliteration used in many rap songs it seems that only an air sign could quickly come up with that. Obviously air signs are known as being masters of communication, so it seems justified that many rappers would be air signs. Outkast duo, Andre 3000 and Big Boi, even made an album called Aquemini which produced the hit ‘Rosa Parks’. Now obviously I know this list is not all inclusive and I know other rappers are popular who aren’t air signs (Drake and ODB are Scorpios, Nicki Minaj is a Saggitarius, Lil Kim is a Cancer) but it seems overwhelmingly that successful and critically acclaimed rappers are air signs. To prove my point, here’s a list of rappers who are also air signs. One such interesting correlation is between popular (usually critically acclaimed and involved in the business side as well) rappers and air signs. As an avid astrology researcher and lover of pop culture, I notice a lot of interesting correlations between careers and sun signs.