OneWire ds ( 46 ) // define Onewire instance DS #define BMP183_CLK 52 // SCK to SPI Clock #define BMP183_SDO 50 // MISO #define BMP183_SDI 51 // MOSI #define BMP183_CS 42 // CS: Chip Select Pin // initialize BMP183 sensor with hardware SPIĪdafruit_BMP183 bmp183 = Adafruit_BMP183 (BMP183_CS ) // or initialize with software SPI and use any 4 pins #define CHRONODOT_ADDRESS 0圆8 // Chronodot I2C address #define BH1750_ADDRESS 0x23 // BH1750 Lux Sensor I2C address #define TSL2561_ADDRESS 0x39 // Lux Sensor I2C address #define HTU21DF_ADDRESS 0x40 // Humidity Sensor I2C address #define EEPROM_ADDRESS 0x50 // EEprom address for storing barametric array data etc.
#Steampunk char ref driver
#include // Adafruit Core graphics library #include // Adafruit 1.8" TFT #include "Adafruit_HTU21DF.h" // Adafruit HTU21D-F Temperature & Humidity Sensor #include #include // Adafruit Unified Sensor Driver #include // Adafruit BMP183 Barometric Pressure + Temp sensor #include "eeprom_routines.h" // EEprom routines for storing data //#include "RotaryEncoder.h" // smallest and best rotary lib I have seen. #include // #include "ClickButton.h" // A simple one-button Arduino library to get short and long clicks, // multiple clicks (double click, triple click etc. #include // OneWire lets you access 1-wire devices made by Maxim/Dallas, // such as DS18S20, DS18B20, DS1822. #include // Maxim 7219 displays library // -> #include // Enable this line if using Arduino Uno, Mega, etc.

#include // facilitate time zone conversions and automatic DST adjustments.

#include // Arduino (new) Time library // -> small edit: clear date display first and no decimal point Changing date display to also display day-of-the-week